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“Pain associated with a variety of conditions often causes a significant decrease in one’s quality of life. I am pleased to endorse Pain Relief Now (PRN) as a product that can provide rapid relief of muscle, joint, and connective tissue aches and pains associated with a wide spectrum of exercise/physical activity conditions and injuries. I have found PRN to be much more effective than other OTC creams, lotions, and patches. If you have pain issues, you should try PRN; it works!”

– Dr. Neil Little
PhD., Exercise Physiologist

Join Us on the Mission to Provide Pain Relief Now to Everyone!

At Mountain Medicinals, we are happy to partner with retail stores across Canada. If you own a pharmacy, grocery store, gas station, hardware store, sports store, or health food store, or even a local corner store, we are looking forward to being your partner and helping you meet your customer’s needs through Mountain Medicinal products. Our Pain Relief Now and Vitamin C Serum products are bound to delight your customers!

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