About Us

Mountain Medicinals was born out of a need for natural products…that really work!

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Meet Our Experts!

Bryan Mcintyre

Bryan McIntyre

Bryan studied Biochemistry for three years at the University of Northern B.C and has a degree in Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences from the University of Alberta. The expertise he gained in the pharmaceutical industry for over 20 years plays a crucial part in the product customization and formulation development of Mountain Medicinals. His knowledge of natural ingredients has been vital to developing many natural health products approved by Health Canada.  

Bryan is also the Executive Director and a Senior Scientific Advisor for Bert’s Manufacturing Ltd, a company focused on creating medical-grade, natural ingredient-based skincare products. 

One of Bryan’s favorite things is to hear yet another story of one of his proprietary products has helped another person!

Steve Little

BSc. Biochem, BPharm, RPh

Stephen completed his Biochemistry degree at the University of Lethbridge, during which he was a full-time research assistant in both government and academic research facilities. His keen interest in chemistry and medicine motivated him to pursue a degree in Pharmacy at the University of Alberta. After completing his undergrad, he underwent further training and became a member of the Professional Compounding Centers of America.

Stephen currently owns three compounding pharmacies and works on the front-line with patients and physicians to develop specific treatments customized to individual needs. 

Along with Bryan, Steve also loves to hear all the success stories from people who love their products!

Seve and Bryanin the Lab

The story behind

Mountain Medicinals

Mountain Medicinals was created in 2013 by two Canadian pharmacists in response to incredible customer feedback from users of an all natural pain spray they had created.

Pain Relief Now came about after several customers, in a short period of time, at the pharmacy had complained about the lack of effectiveness of the multitude of topical pain relievers available in the aisle. As compounding pharmacists we had been receiving special requests from patients and physicians over the years to make customized products and formulas for individuals. When we heard requests like “Can’t you guys make me something stronger for my pain than what’s out here?”, we said, “you bet!” 

Pain relief_PRN

 One of the first individuals returned after using the Pain Spray for a few days exclaiming that when he would wake up in the morning in pain from his arthritic knees, he would spray his knee, and “It would work like Now!

 This story prompted us to name our product “Pain Relief Now”. We abbreviated this to PRN on our labeling as a nod to the pharmacy profession where PRN is used by physicians and pharmacists to indicate “as needed”. Indeed, Pain Relief Now (PRN) was certainly intended to be used “as needed” for pain relief. 

PRN Sold Here Running Man Poster

We began by researching the available literature on natural ingredients that had scientific proof of their effectiveness for stopping multiple types of pain.  In direct contradiction to our competitors, we decided to blend many of these ingredients in our first product. We believed that our product needed to stop many kinds of pain for everyone, no matter what.

We were very excited to hear outstanding claims of pain relief like they never experienced before from our first customers. Whether it was for joint pain, muscle pain, or nerve pain, our Pain Spray was working!

And it was working better than anything else in its category on the market!  We had unlocked a secret that we knew was soon to become popular across North America.

neck pain

Initially, as per the Canada Food and Drug Act, we had to make our Pain Relieving Spray one bottle at a time upon each customer request. Within a matter of weeks we had numerous phone calls from customers inquiring about obtaining a bottle, and even other pharmacies in the area asking what this pain spray was and if they could have some too! At this point we made the decision to apply through Health Canada for a Natural Product Number (NPN) for Pain Relief Now in order to manufacture and sell it directly off the shelf and through other vendors. Approval was successfully granted in 2014 after review of our product’s safety and effectiveness. 

Over the last few years the company has grown largely by word of mouth from satisfied customers and has surpassed all expectations, generating a large repeat-user base. It is not uncommon for us to hear stories of how someone will offer a friend or neighbor to try out their Pain Spray and then not receive it back after lending it! 

With thousands of satisfied customers, Pain Relief Now has clearly set itself apart as a dominant, effective choice in the topical analgesic marketplace. 

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